Life is good… is FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!   I am so ready for a day off of work.   I was planning on getting home early yesterday, but I didn’t leave the office until 7:00.   So I have extra hours worked so I could get off early today.  I hope!!!  Or maybe I will just take off Monday we will see.  I have to look at my schedule.   Being off Monday sounds nicer since, no one would be around and I could have some alone time!!  Much needed!!

Yesterday at work, Gov Pawlenty came to our building to give a press conference.   I went down and listened to him for a few minutes.  I wasn’t so excited about his tone really.  He was talking about welfare reform, etc.  The state wants to get a waiver for the feds that would allow the state to ensure that people only would buy healthy food with food stamps.   They would not allow any purchase of junk food, chips, pop, etc.   I wasn’t that impressed with that.   I didn’t care for the tone of tax payer pay for those peoples food, therefore we can say what they can buy.  I don’t think it is any of govs. business.    It will be interesting to see what the official definition of “junk food” is.  Our Gov and the commissioner of Human Services are so young and trim.   They must be eating *Healthy!   *smirk The rest of what the Gov had to say wasn’t so bad, expected really about getting people to work faster, etc.   I just didn’t like the tone he was setting. 

Today I will just try and do some things from yesterday’s list as I went to bed last night after I bathed Tommy and got him to bed!


  • K-mart – Mop Refill
  • Put Folded Clothes Away
  • Groceries
  • Make Menu
  • Pay Bills – Pay Day Today!


  • Straighten the Book Case
  • Vacuum up Cracker Crumbs
  • Vacuum Under Furniture

I haven’t had time to read much lately.  I simply fall asleep too quickly.  I have of course been listening to my books on tape on the drive to and from work.  What a blessing that is!!  I am listening to the second book in the Big Stone Gap Series, Cherry Holler.  I can’t remember who recommended these books to me,  but I really enjoy the characters.  It is like riding home with friends!!  I look forward to going to work to finish up the last tape!  I will have to go to the library tomorrow to get a new one to listen to!   Have I ever mentioned I *LOVE my library!!

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