ROFL….well in addition to discovering the toilet and how to open it.  Tommy has discovered the laundry shute!  I went down to sort laundry and I found a lot of surprise with my laundry.  ARGH!!  A few books,  a few crackers, a few toys….OH MY! 

Time for me to go get my little man up for the day.  I was able to do the garbage, sweep and mop the floors and fold a load of laundry before he was ready to get up.  That is pretty good for me! 

Have a great Monday!  ANy ideas for supper yet???  hmmmmmm….

6 thoughts on “

  1. Oh boy!!   Sounds like fun in the laundry!  🙂

    Dinner for us tonight is going to be Roast smothered in Beefy Mushroom gravy, rice, mac n cheese and Sweet cornbread.

    Have a great Monday!

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