YAWN!! I am exhausted. It has beeen a very tough week at my work. ARGH!! As many of you know I am a social worker for children with disabilities, most of the children I work with have autism, cp…something like that. Well due to the state deficit we are neeing to cut 8 million dollars from one program. ARGH!! It is so difficult and stressful. Last night I worked until late. I got home around 10:00 as we had a parent meeting to tell them about the cut. I need to go and answer questions ,etc. I have to go to another one today, luckily this one is during the day. So needless to say I am tired and didn’t sleep well last night!!
I am so happy it is FRIDAY!!! I didn’t do anything from my list yesterday, I came home and went to bed! WHEW!!! I am hoping for a very relaxing weekend. I need it to recouperate. I have worked a lot of extra hours this week.
Well I am off to work…need to get Tommy up and ready for Daycare.
Have a great weekend……….I will figure out my list later!
Have a good day!
Have a good day!
That’s too bad about the cutback.
Bummer about the CutBacks… its happening all over though sadly enough.
Hope your weekend is relaxing and refreshing!
It’s a shame that innocent children fall victim too often to the down-trodden economy. I’m sorry you have to deal with that stress.
I hope you get a chance to have some down-time this weekend!!!