Hello – I am trying to get caught up. This weekend was so busy, I just have gotten off of my routines. ARGH!! I hate when that happens! I thrive on my routines and feel totally out of it, when I can’t do them, etc.
Friday I was just wiped out so we hung around home. I think I got home a bit late from work too!
Saturday my hubby let me sleep in…nice guy. I got up around 8:30 and then we needed to run a ton of errands.
Target –
Once Upon A Child
Sam’s Club
ARGh….we got home and I tried to quickly get my groceries all put away. I wanted to clean up the house a bit before my parents came. OOPPss….they walked in while I was putting away groceries and feeding Tommy. Tommy seemed to remember his grandparents even though he hasn’t seen them in a bit. Luckily my house is generally pretty clean, so I figured oh well…might not be company clean, but good enough.
My parents watched our sons on Saturday night as we had reservations to go out for supper for my birthday. It was a very fancy restaurant. Fancier than I have ever been to. We started the meal out with “bubble bread” a nice bread with blue cheese and cheese melted on it. YUMMY!! I ordered a Halibut with pecans and sauce. Very interesting…and GOOD!!! My hubby had prime rib. Of course they bring you a palate cleanser between courses of the meal, a little cone of sorbet. The entrees were great and I ordered a piece of pie to go home with me. They gave us complimentary champagne since it was my b-day, but I declined, I don’t drink much and I don’t care for that particular drink either. Hubby had one and I tried a sip or two of his….not my favorite. With our bill they brought us nice big strawberries dipped in chocolate. YUMMY>…and of course hot clothes to wash our hands with…LOL!! I have never been so waited on in my life. It was fun!
We returned home to get the children bathed as we had gt on Sunday morning. I started up not feeling very well on Saturday night, I got up to use the rest room a number of times. I have a condition of the lining of my bladder that mimics a UTI, so I had to run into urgent care to make sure I didn’t have an infections. I didn’t so I treated with the usual meds and it seems to be getting better. Still is bothering me a bit though..
My parents left on Sunday afternoon. The children always want them to stay longer, but they need to go, I guess. They worry about the weather and stuff when they drive. Rest of Sunday I took a long nap, induced by pain medication.
Monday was a holiday….I always kid it is my holiday as we get a day off for my birthday…LOL!! It was a nice day. We went to the mall and I bought a winter jacket for 50% off as mine the sipper wasn’t working anymore. I ran a few other errands, Josh wanted to go to Sam Goody to get new head phones and Tommy needed bigger socks. We found some on sale at Old Navy. The rest of meds I finished ready my Monday book started another one.
We came home made some lunch and put Tommy down for his nap. After his nap, we went to the Indoor at New Brighten. Erik was able to bring a friend along as well. Tommy played and had a good time. We grabbed some Domino’s Pizza on the way home and that was our evening. Erik tried out his new chocolate maker as well, That was interesting…takes forever to make them. But he showed great patience. he would set the timer and wait for the chips to melt.
Well lunch is over and I have two back to back meetings next. Have a great day!!!
Wow! Sounds like you had a busy few days!
Your birthday dinner sounded wonderful and very exciting
Sorry to hear about your bladder problem – my daughter had a series of UTIs when she was about nine and they made her totally miserable. Hope you feel much better soon