WHOA…I am just getting out of bed. Argh..doesn’t look like I will be making it to church this am. I had a lot of fun last night and ate way too much food and too much wine! We started the evening with three very large bottles of wine, they were all gone by 10:30 or so. We started hanging out around 4:30 and the first guest left at 11:00 or so. The remaining of us stayed up goofing around, laughing and watching “sex in the City” until 2:00am.
Hubby was his usual wonderful self. He took care of the baby for the party. He came out occassionally and would get everyone more wine. All my friends just think he is the best…LOL!! I must admit he is a pretty good guy *smirk. He even watch a episode or so of “Sex in the City”…LOL!! SOme of it made him leave the room. We laughed, and laughed……..
It was a lot of fun, but I think today will be a lazy day now! YAWN!!! Oh well. Tommy was very good, though he did throw a little people toy in my glass of wine and he laughed and laughed about that!
I don’t think I will have much of a to do list today. I need to just clean up the kitchen from the party and finish a case transfer for work.
Time for me to shower, as Tommy is being naughty for Daddy.
OH BTW, for those who asked about the Tommy’s shoe. I am running late for getting him to daycare and I have a pair of shoes I had put away for him on him. Just was I am walking out the door I see his other shoe finally after I had spent a good hour looking for it, under the end table in the living room. So the shoe has been found. good thing I always have stuff the next size bigger put away from garage sales this last summer. Which reminds me I should start going thorugh his size 2 box downstairs and see if some of it will fit him now. He is starting to out grow his current size. I need to start selling his outgrown stuff on Ebay. Hmmm..Maybe I will do some Ebay this weekend!
Have a great day!!!!
Sounds like your ‘Sex in the City’ party went with a swing!
Don’t thinks ALWAYS go missing when you are in a hurry to find them???
Found you via the Simplify Your Life blogring… anyway, I’ve enjoyed reading your blog today. Glad the party was a hit! Sounds like a lot of fun. Good luck with the clothes – I was going to do that and then I decided to just give them away, it’s much easier lol.
Glad to hear you had a good time