Hey! Well today was busy, I ended up working late again. ARGH!! I have been going into the office earlier and thinking I will come home early. I never seem to make it out of the office before like 5:45. So I have a few hours built up, so I might be able to work a part of day tomorrow.
Tonight after I got home I fixed a quick supper of Chicken and Noodles. I then ran to the liquor store to pick up wine of tomorrow. Tommy was very clingy to me tonight, so that was all I managed to get done. Once Tommy was in bed I worked again!! I have a couple of cases to transfer and I need to finish updating paperwork and write dictation, etc. I am able to complete this at home in about 2 hours. At the office with all the distractions, phone ringing, people coming to talk to me, etc..it took me all day and I didn’t get it done. I think I will plan on working from home one day next week and just work on writing plans. My job has way too much paperwork!!
I have been meaning for every to talk about my resolutions, but darn if I ever find time!!
My Goals for the year, really focus on a number of areas:
1. Taking Care of Self – This is my main area of concentration. Being a wife, mom and social worker, I am taking care of some one at every moment of my life. I am terrible about taking care of my self at all!!! I currently have both of my medical condition under good control (asthma and Interstitial Cystitis, (IC)). But I will forget to take medications, not follow my diet, drink too much pop, etc, when I am overworked and stressed.
So my goals in this area are: drink more water/less pop, exercise, take meds daily, bed by 10:30 and take time for me daily (read, hot bath, cross stitch, etc).
** considering I am sitting here at almost 11:30 at night and have a can of Diet MT. Dew in front of me, I might not being too good at this yet!!***
2. Home – Keep up with Routines/Laundry, etc.
** Actually I am doing well here, I have been caught up with laundry all year so far! I find it works well to switch laundry around every evening and then fold the dried load in the morning. I grab the laundry after I curl my hair and fold it on the kitchen table while Tommy eats Breakfast. This has been working well! I have also been making sure the diaper bag is all ready for the morning and our clothes are laid out the night before! **
3. Friends/Family – Actually *Make time for my friends!! I spend every free moment with my hubby and kids. I would like to strengthen my current friendships. Keep in touch with out of town/state friends more than a newsletter at Christmas! I am pretty happy with my relationship with hubby and my children, they have always been a priority for me.
Goals in this area: Send a birthday card *on time* to all my family and friends, Write friends a letter/email once a month, have one activity a month that I will do with friends!
** I am doing ok in this so far too, I am having my “sex in the City” party tomorrow and today I wrote a card to a friend over lunch at work. **
Ok…I better head to bed, since I am up past my bedtime. I will let you know my progress on my goals, hmmm…maybe weekly or monthly. We will see how bored I get with it!
Remember, It’s almost FRIDAY!! YEAH!!!
I really enjoyed reading through your list. I can really relate to some of these items, and should have them on my own list everyday. Good luck with it all, even though I KNOW that you’ll do well!!
Your goals are very admirable. Good luck!