Today we seems to be back on our normal schedule. WOO HOO!! Now if we can just make it through the year. Over lunch I ran a couple of errands. I bought Birthday cards for the month. I hope to remember everyone’s birthday this year!! ROFL!!! People in my family with special days in the beginning of the year always get cards, but by May that is all gone to the side.
Work was busy, a lot of phone calls to make. I had to call Social Security and you are always on hold FOREVER!! I have little patience of that. Otherwise work was fine
Tomorrow Families First night resume at our church. We have our class with Tommy and Josh has confirmation. I have to make sure I make the deposit of Josh’s mission trip tomorrow to ensure his spot!! He is putting some of his Christmas money towards it and I will pay most of it.
Tonight was busy, Josh needed a hair cut! Tommy decided to grab the kitchen curtains I washed last night. He can reach the window from his highchair. It didn’t help that he had chocolate on his hands. So I washed those ones again tonight. ARGH!!!
This weekend is my first GIRLS NIGHT party. One of my resolutions for the new year is to make more time, actually any time, for my friends. I am terrible about email them or calling or writing. I just get so busy in the details of life. I don’t want to wait until I retire to have my friendships! That would result in so many wasted years and memories. So anyway, this Saturday I am having a few girl friends over and we are having wine, appetizers and going to watch Sex In the City! I don’t have HBO or anything, but you can now rent all the HBO series, like Sex in the City at Blockbuster. SO I am going to rent a DVD or two and enjoy it with friends! I am looking forward to it! It will actually be a no kid party. Now if I can only get my hubby to go somewhere with Tommy. The other two boys are gone for the weekend.
I am off to bed…have a great night!
PeppermintWitch – actually it was 9:00 pm when I watch my show on TV. I am at work in the daytime so no TV for me! I would never get anything done either if I turned on our TV at 9:00 am.
Good for you for scheduling time to get together with your girlfriends!!
I love the idea of buying your cards ahead of time. That is so great! I have a hard time getting cards in the mail on time!! I love it! I am going to steal that idea I think!
The time with the girls sounds fun.
I love your new year’s resolution. . . spending good time with good friends is something we could all use more of in our lives. I haven’t had much luck making friends since I moved out to this part of the country, and as much as I love Danny sometimes it’s almost unbearable staying home or going to his brother’s every night. I’m hoping to have a little more luck in that department myself this year.