ARgh….I first woke up at 3:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I got up and went in the living room to read.  Then I fell asleep on the couch.   I woke at 8:30 when hubby got up.  Good think I have a good book to read.  I am really enjoying this book, “Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind”.  I might just get this book done this weekend depending on what else I need to do. 

I do have to run to Target today and hubby wants me to get groceries, but I don’t think we really need any, we will see.   I suppose I should come up with a plan for today, though I really don’t feel much like doing it!  

Going back to work was difficult yesterday, I found I had trouble concentrating and keep on task.   I did complete most of my tasks on my list for work, but just didn’t do as smooth as I had hoped.   I made it through all my mail and email and returned 1/2 of my voice messages.  So things are started.   It was wise to only work on day this week.  I got things sort of organized and next week I can really start to work. 

Alright onto that list………….hmmmmmmmmmm


Attach Tommy’s Mittens to String
Pay Bills
Empty Fridge & Clean
Clean Microwave
Clean Stove
Letter to Tim about pictures


TARGET – Key Chain, Container for Spider Man, Makeup, Container for Baby dishes and Crackers sticks
TOYs R US – Erik to use up Gift cards
Walmart – Drop off Film

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