Good Night, xangaland………I am turning in early tonight.  I was going to return to work tomorrow, but my SIL wants to take the toddlers to the Eagle’s Nest an indoor playground as the other children return to school tomorrow. So I will be taking one last day 1/2 off.   I will check my work email and voice mail tomorrow from home and get caught up a bit.   That should take a few hours! 

Friday I will return to the office.  I feel relaxed and ready to return to work, but I didn’t get as many projects done as I wanted, but relaxation was so good for me.   I was able to read a couple of books and had great fun with my kids.  And I am cought up on laundry!!  WOO HOO!!!

I am off to turn in and read my book for a bit.  NIGHT ALL!

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