Well, believe it or not, my chore list is done for the day! YEAH!! Tommy is taking a nap still. Joshua has two friends over and they are playing Uno Attack!! They have been playing that everyday. I love that the kids all like to hang out at our house. I always know where Josh is and what he is doing. I also know his friends very well. I have ended up making them lunch a few times since I have been home and they are drinking up all the pop left over from the Christmas party. Good thing I cleared off the dining room table. The boys are playing their games there. I think they were playing stratego before the third guy arrived. Of course they have played a few play station games. One of Josh’s friends brought theirs over and they have been playing it. I am one of those mean moms and I haven’t bought any type of game system for my kids. I really don’t think it is necessary. I don’t want my kids sitting in front of the TV playing games. They sit in front of the TV enough just watching shows. (though I limit that too).
I am off to read for a bit and relax until Tommy wakes up.
It sounds like the guys are having a good time. 🙂
HaPPy NeW YeAr… to you and yours…