I’m back……..Target wasn’t even as busy as I thought it would be. I was able to buy enough rolls of wrapping paper for next year at 50% off. I also bought Tommy a pair of Jeans – $5.00 and a shirt – $3.00. Let’s see what else…hmmm…I bought a “Days till Christmas Sign” also 50% off. That was a bout it. I only spent 40.00. I think that was worth getting up early.
My neighbors are going skiing so I will be babysitting my little neighbor girl, Sammy. She is playing with her leap pad she got for Christmas right now. So hopefully I can grab a shower before Tommy is up for the day!
Then it is laundry, laundry…..I best get my To DO List made……..
Laundry – still not caught up!
Start on Erik’s Room
Second Shelf in the Office
Put together remaining gifts for my family.
More to be added as it comes to me.
You are so motivated, and accomplish A LOT!! You really inspire me.