Today seemed like a well balanced day for vacation.  The day really went fast though.  Tommy and I went to the mall to see Santa, but the line was so long@! There was no way he nor I could wait that long.  So we went to Mervyn’s bought some socks for Erik and a winter hat for Tom.  Then we head to Once Upon A Child to buy some winter sleepers for Tommy, he is out growing everything again. 

Then we were home for lunch and a nap.  During Tom’s nap I did more laundry, paid bills, reconciled the checkbook and read the first 15 pages in a new book from the library, “The Sunday Wife”. 

Then Tommy woke up and we went to get a few groceries for the next couple of days.  We needed milk, etc. 

Hubby made supper while I played with Tommy for a while.  We had supper then Tommy took a bath and got ready for bed.  Tommy for the first time even was in bed by 8:30 or so and down for the night. 

WHEW!!  He only took one nap today, so now I had some “me” time after I did dishes and folded the last load of laundry.  I enjoyed a wonderfully long bubble bath with a mug of hot choclate and peppermint schappes, while reading some more of my book.   AAAH….so relaxing.  Now all the is left to do it head to bed after figuring out what I need to do tomorrow!  


  • Clean off Dining Room Table – just clean clothes piled on it
  • More Laundry – can’t see the floor yet!
  • Mending
  • Dust My Bedroom
  • Get Stocking Stuffers Ready
  • Sweep my Bedroom
  • Organize the Bottom shelf in the office
  • Start of the Boy’s Room

    Attend Church Service
    Have a Roast in the Crockpot for supper

    Our Evening will be quiet just haning out and opening presents, etc.   It will be family time.

    That should keep me busy enough!  Have a great Day!

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