Almost time to go start supper, but thought I would stop in and say hi! Today was a good day. I have the house all back in order. The dishes are washed, the floors mopped. Though Erik already spilt juice since I mopped. ARGH!!
Hubby just put Tommy down for this second nap of the day. I plan on making Pasta with Alfredo sauce, salad and bread sticks for supper.
I am soooo excited hubby and I went to Menards and bought some laminate to re cover the counter in the bathroom down stairs. I think I will try to do it. I figure that hubby might decide to help and he sees me not doing it as perfect as he would like. He is a huge perfectionist, but unmotivated lately. I also want to paint the bathroom downstairs as well. It should prove to be interested. I also have to clean out the boys’ room, mainly Erik’s side of the room. What a mess.
I feel like I have already accomplished a lot just by getting the laminate. I am excited to start my project.
I am off to make some supper and relax a bit. Tomorrow is another day! Have a great one!
Ooh, a new project. How exciting!
oh good luck with your new project… funny, my hubby is the same way, and I do the same thing… start something and then he gets involved cause its not going JUST the RIGHT way…
gotta love it!