Holiday newsletters are printing, but not sure I will get done tonight or not.  It says I am running low on ink.  ARGH!!  I was hoping I could just get these done and mailed. 

It has been a busy evening.  I got home late from work.  Work is going to be pretty stressful for the next few months or years??  Our state has a huge deficit to balance.  Working for county Government of course that means huge cuts for us as well.  We have to cut our services to families by many, many millions of dollars.  ARGH!!  So all the budgets I just completed will need to be redone with cuts in funding.  I am not looking forward to that.  Most likely that also means no new social workers so our caseloads will grow and grow.  I just got two new cases this week already.  The whole situation is making me a but nervous, being the only breadwinner in our family.

I did get a bit of cleaning done tonight, but decided to hold off on mopping the floors since I am having Christmas here on Saturday for my hubby’s side of the family.  I will mop the floor closer to the weekend.   I did make the Fudgy Mint Squares.  YUMMY…..they look very good. 

Tomorrow is my day again to take Tommy to daycare, so I better go and get my stuff together so I can get out of here on time.  I want to head o bed early.  I just changed my sheets and I love nice, crisp clean sheets!!  WOO HOO….plus I need to finish my book. 

KIDS UPDATE:  Josh still has a icky tummy.  Tommy has not had any hives for two days and counting!  Tommy still has a cough though.

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