OH WHAT A MORNING!! What a morning it has been already and it is only 10:00. ARGH….I woke up early and was ready for work by 7:30. I was excited to be getting to work early as I had a lot I wanted to get done. Tommy was crying and hubby wouldn’t get up yet, so I figured I would get Tommy up and feed him. It was very unlike him to be up so early.
I go into to Tom’s room and I see he still has those to little red spots on his neck. Looks like a clothing tag was bothering him. I unzip his sleepers and he has hives all over. His entire back is covered, he has a ring of them around his belly. I wake up hubby and tell him I need to take baby to Dr. Both my oldest and I have food allergies. Josh uses Benedryl and an Epi-pen. We have never used the Epi-Pen. The Hives look like they are spreading and I was worrying about his breathing, though it was fine.
I called and got an emergency appointment at the peds at 8:30. My ped (who is the greatest) said it looks like a internal allergy. So something that Tommy ate. The first thing the peds asked was had Tommy had Eggs or Chocolate yesterday. He had Chocolate cupcake at daycare for someone birthday. So we now will be keeping liquid benedryl on hand as well. Tommy will not be getting Chocolate for a while and we will see if that is what will take care of this.
My poor sons, seems like I have given both of them allergies. My Peds said that if I want I can have a blood test done at Tom’s 15 month appointment to check for allergies. ARGH!! I guess I will have to have our family allergist see the baby too.
SO now I am at work, Tommy is at his aunties and happy to be there. I don’t think I will be getting off early today. ARGH! I need to run to a store over lunch as I founda great gift for my mom!
Oh poor thing!
Awwhhhh poor Tommy.
Jaiden broke out in hives once for no apparent reason…the strangest thing!
Oh No.. so sorry to hear of your lil one breaking out. ((Hugs)) I hope you are able to do the allergy testing so you can find out what to stray from.
Poor Tommy
Only a few times have our kids ever broken out in an allergic rash like that and, fortunately, they seem to have been isolated incidents.
Allergic to chocolate? Poor kid – what a lousy allergic reaction to have
Oooh, I hope that Tommy doesn’t have too many, if any, allergies. Poor guy. *Hugs*