I Love Sunday naps, but it sure makes it hard to sleep on Sunday nights.  Argh….I was up reading until after midnight as I couldn’t fall asleep. 

Yesterday was Erik’s Christmas Pageant at Church.  He had a speaking part and was able to say his line very well.  I was very proud of him.  I think he felt very good about it.  It is nice to see him be successful. 

After the pageant we went to Target to look for Yo-gi-OH cards for Stocking Stuffers for Erik and two cousins.  They still didn’t have any.  We did buy a little gift for the name Tommy drew at daycare.  He had to get a gift for Jasper who is two.  We got him some Bob The Builder Stuff. 

Then I spent the rest of the evening getting my stuff together for Secret Santa at work.   I had to think of a theme and finally I came up with one.  So I worked on that last night.  It is hard to continue to be creative each year.  I am running out of ideas.  I was going to try and get into the office over the weekend and decorate my secret Santa’s cube for Xmas, but didn’t get around to it.  Maybe next weekend……hmmm….Josh will like to help.

Time to get ready for work , not much else to say.  

  Chellief – That is a great idea, I will try to add the recipes for items on my menu.  Unfortunately I have not updated my menu in a while.  I have not been doing that great about making a menu the last few weeks, too busy!

Frejauna – You asked about the book crossing release.  I released two books and both were taken within minutes.  But no one went to book crossing to say they took them, so I was sort of bummed about that.  I doubt I will leave anymore in my work mailroom, maybe somewhere else…we will see.  As for Book Groups, there is one on Xanga here.  I belong to a online one, but it is pretty quiet these days.  There is another one on Yahoogroups that I am on, but don’t participate in anymore called BooKiesToo, they are very active.  My mom is on the bookies.

mscaffeineaddict – I don’t know how you do it….grad school, working and the little guy.  All I have to say is WOW!   Are you ready for Christmas??   I still have a number of things to do.  I do plan on taking a week off at Christmas, I am soooo excited about that.  I have a question for you, are you still working with signing with E?   I am confused and I don’t know the answer, Tommy signs more independently, but he isn’t doing anything just walking in the living room and usually he wants a drink.  So I think he thinks ?more” means drink.   I am not sure how to work with that.  It is helpful that if he signs more you know he wants something, but I never know if he wants a drink, is hungry or what.  Just wondering if you have run into that, and can give me some pointers. 

0 thoughts on “

  1. You were not alone with the having a difficult time going to sleep lastnight.  I didn’t even take a Sunday nap but couldn’t sleep.  Was up till just after 1am this morning watching a movie on TNT that I ended up falling asleep during!!!  I hate it when that happens. 

    It sounds like you have been pretty busy lady.  Maybe today will be a tad bit restful for you?

    I have a question for you if you don’t mind me asking… please.   Where can I get a calendar to put on my site like the decorated one you have up on yours?  I want to be able to add a deocrated calendar and add the Important Dates to remember under it on my Xanga site.  Could you help me out?  I don’t want to bother you though.

    Have a great Monday!!  I need to get off of my bum and get started myself.


  2. Thanks for updating me on Book Crossings, and the book clubs.  These days, I listen to a lot of books on tape.  I think that Paige and I are going to try and listen to a lot of Newbery books this winter while I would like to get through some more of Oprah’s book club selections.  Anyhow, I hope that you have a great week!

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