Just a quick check in before I head off to bed to finish reading my book (it was due back to the library yesterday!). I know I do save money by using the library, but those occasional fines bug me. The new release books I can only check out for 2 weeks, so it is hard to read a whole book some times in two weeks. I am almost done though!
Tonight is church night. Erik practiced his pageant stuff. He seemed to behave very nicely during practice. Paul and I went to Families First class with Tommy. He sat very nice during circle time tonight and separated fine when we went to our group. We talk about a book called “Mitten Strings For God: Reflections of Mothers in a hurry.” We discussed about having the Sabbath being a special family time, etc. Tine to refresh ourselves for the week to come. Do nothing…………our Sunday’s are always pretty mellow…Church, then out to eat brunch two Sundays of the month and when Tommy goes down for a nap it is quiet time. During quiet time I usually read and take a nap. It is so nice. The book really sounded nice, so I think I will see if my wonderful library system has the book. That is one thing I must say about living in the cities, the library system is amazing!!! My hometown had such a small library and being the reader I am this is a huge thing to me!
After our class we went and watched the end of Erik’s practice. His bio-mom then came to pick him up. Hubby and I headed off to the info meeting on Josh’s mission trip. He really is excited to go, so I think we will do our best to make it happen for him. I told him he will have to help pay for it and save some money towards it. He usually gets money for Christmas and his birthday from various relatives. The scoop on the trip (as I know my mom wants all the details)
55 kids going with 10 adult leaders in a big coach bus and a pair of mini-vans. They will leave on Friday June 20th and will drive straight through the night. The bus company switches off drivers every like 500 miles or something. They arrive in Orlando on Saturday and go to Universal Studios and Island Adventures, plus stay at a hotel that night. Sunday morning will be worship in Orlando. Sunday-Friday will be mission work with Youth Works in St. Petersburg, Fl. They will be sleeping in churches or school while in Florida, so bring sleeping bag! They head back on Friday and get to Ingham Lake Bible Camp in Iowa on Saturday. They will debrief and relax there and will be back at our church on Sunday morning to share their experience with the congregation by 9:45 service. I will have to send extra money with Josh for the meals down there and back, only about 5-8 meals, otherwise meals are included. The church is paying a portion of each child’s cost and they will be doing a fundraiser as well. I think we will be sending Josh. We will have to get a deposit in by January 12th. I will worry a lot, but it will be a great experience for him.
I have to share one bit of very exciting news. Most of you have read my trials with Josh and school. He is extremely smart, but is very unorganized and hands in late assignments, etc. Tomorrow is conferences, but he said they posted his Algebra Grade and so far he has a 98.9%. That is my boy…..I told him he just had to have B’s and no missing assignments. He is so very talented. Depending if hubby is working this summer, I would love to let Josh go to computer camp at the University of Minnesota. They teach advanced programming and stuff for kids. He would love it! When I last checked into it was awful spending, but he is so talented. I have looked into the community ed computer classes and he is beyond them in ability. He reads a lot of books on computers and loves Tech TV. (Which is so egghead you wouldn’t believe it! Hubby and Josh love to watch it together) Tommy and I play instead…..
Well off to finish my book. Josh is in bed, Tommy is ready for bed. I fed Tommy a bowl of cereal before bed tonight, since he has gotten up the last two nights in he middle of the night and wanted a bottle. He is eating an amazing amount of food lately. ARGH!! My great big growing baby!!