I survived yesterday, but didn’t accomplish a singe thing upon returning home. I missed the baby and Josh so we just hung out and watched movies and played with the baby. We watched Remember the Titans, great movie. Is one of my favorites.
Today I really have to try to accomplish a lot. I have to straighten up around the house and I need to do some actually work, work that I want to finish up before going to the office on Monday.
Same old list…….Agh…maybe today I will actually cross something off!
Complete Baking List
- Christmas Newsletter
Address Envelopes
- Laundry, laundry and more laundry!
- Finish last two CDS plans for work
- Clean kitchen – straighten and do dishes
- Put clean laundry away
- Laundry, laundry and more laundry!
Clean Cobwebs
- Straighten Bookcase
- Clean Door and Molding
- Clean Pictures
- Straighten Tommy’s Toys and Take some downstairs
- Straighten Bookcase
We are going to try putting up the Christmas tree tonight.
That is the biggie on our list.