hello – I am up and ready for today NOT!! By the time this day is over I will need a couple of stiff drinks! Today Erik is going to Fraser to have testing done to find out if he has some neurological difficulty causing his behavioral and educational problems. I don’t mind going to the testing, actually glad I am. But four hours in a room with Hubby’s ex’ wife! ARGH…will be certifiable by the time it is done. And I simply can’t stand to be with her, since afterwards I will have to listen to hubby bitch forever like always, but he will never address his concerns with her. Just complain, complain, complain to me. Fun DAY, NOT!
I have to do a bit of laundry yet. I tried to stay up and wait for Josh to get home from babysitting last night. I fell asleep but he got home around 1:16 since he turned the hall light on in my eyes. I had trouble falling back to sleep after that.
SO today will be spent trying to get through this testing, I hope they find a answer about Erik. I worry about him a lot. He just doesn’t understand much of life at all. Off to continue working on my huge room on laundry! I am sure I will type more later to vent!
Good luck!