I was trying to make it around to everyone’s blog, but I better stop for now and shower and get dressed.  My alone time is done, Tommy is starting to stir in his room.  We had a wonderful day yesterday.  The food was great!  All the boys ate well!  josh must be going to have a growth spurt as he ate two full plates of food.  Well he is 14 years old!   Tommy loved the stuffing and wanted to eat that.

After supper we watched some football and then my SIL came over with her family.  We all had pie and then played the game Apples to Apples.  It was fun, we played two times.   Tommy was wonderful all evening.   He played until he started to get tired and then came to me and had a bottle and went right to bed. 

I haven’t talked about Tommy’s signing for a while, since I was getting very discouraged with it.  I didn’t do it much anymore since he stopped doing the sign he would do for milk.  He shows recognition of the signs, but wouldn’t produce the one sign anymore.   Last night his aunt was feeding him pumpkin bread and got busy chatting and Tommy signed “More”.  He was very appropriate in his signing.  It was very cool and now he will sign “sleep” to daddy when we get ready for bed.  So today I have to learn a couple more signs.  I don’t know the sign for “ball” and I need that one as Tommy loves to play ball.  So I am increasing my singing again, I hope to continue to add new things.  I have forgotten some signs so I will need to look some up.   iam just so happy he is doing “more” independently!

Today Erik’s bio-mom is coming to pick him up and I need to take Tommy to get his second flu shot.  I hate that!   I hope he does ok.  I always cry when he gets a shot. 

I am off to shower and get Tommy up.  He is being very patient!  I will post my to do list later!   I for sure have to to my dishes from yesterday!  Argh…what a mountain!  Today is a holiday for me from work still….I am so happy to have a few extra days off to be with my family.  Gotta love them!

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