Tommy is taking his nap. I will have to wake him up in one hour to take him to get his flu shot. He needs the second dose of it. I am not sure if they will give it to him or not, since he has a runny nose again. We will see. After that I am coming home to pick up Paul and we are going to the library.
Josh is outside putting xmas lights up in the crab apple tree outside. I think Tommy will enjoy looking at that from the picture window. Eriks is playing with friends, his bio-mom will be here to pick him up at 1:00. Tomorrow he has testing at Fraser Center, should be very interesting. My SIL Julie is going to come over and watch Tommy for us.
I am off to read my book for an hour, before I need to take Tommy for his shot. I did get all the dishes from Thanksgiving all washed up! YEAH!! Wasn’t so bad. Tommy sat in the higchair and kept me company while I washed. He was a little jabberbox.
- Complete Baking List
- Christmas Newletter
- Address Envelopes
- Laundry, laundry and more laundry!
- Clean Cobwebs
- Straighten Bookcase
- Clean Door and Molding
- Clean Pictures
- Straighten Tommy’s Toys and Take some downstairs
Looks like a pretty busy and productive day there at your home.
Have a good one!
Sounds like things are buzzin along….
Enjoy your reading time