Morning……..a bit sluggish this morning. I didn’t even read last night, just went straight to sleep. Argh…Tonight I will try to get to bed earlier (I say that every night).
I really hope today is a productive day. I have a lot I need to get done. So on to my list and then I must get Tommy and myself ready for church.
- Make baking list
Make Shopping list for Thanksgiving
- Update Christmas Gift List
- Work on Xmas Newsletter
Put away clean clothes
- Clean out Front closet
- Buy and Put up Plastic on Windows
Get Mitten and Hat out of Storage
- Clean off my desk
- Photography Ebay Auctions and List
Put Cardboarb on back of Changing Table (Tommy keeps reaching out of crib and throwing everything from the changing table shelves onto the floor during every nap)
- Change the sheet in the crib and changing table cover
- Dust Tommys Room
- Set up Humidifier in Tommy’s Room
If I get 1/2 of this done I will be happy. Then I return to work for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and have Thursday and Friday off!
In December I decided to take the week of Christmas and return to work on January 2nd. I can’t wait I have never taken so much time off at the holidays. I just want to spend time with my boys.
I am off to wake Tommy up….Have a great Sunday!