hello – Yes, I am still kicking and around.  Just very busy!  What is new!  I will give you a quick update as to what we have been up to.

Thursday night my brother called and said he would be coming to spend the weekend with us.

FRIDAY – I worked 1/2 a day and my brother came to visit.  Hubby cooked supper we had Simek Lasagna and bread.  Tommy was crying at every little thing at ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) in the morning when ever another child touched him.  Very unusual.  At daycare he was very clingy to his aunt and cried and whined.  Hmm…teeth, ear ache??  Who knows!   He was ok when we got home for the evening.  We watched the movie Monsters Inc.  Tommy went down at bedtime fine and then woke up crying at 5:30 am.  Ok…something is wrong!

SATURDAY – We all went out and ran errands.  We went to Sam’s Club and the Grocery store.  Then we took Tommy to Urgent care to have his ears checked.  And yes of course he had an ear infection in one ear.  So we got antibiotics for him.  My brother hung out with my oldest son and surfed on the computer and stuff.  They made a music CD as well.   In the afternoon I ran the last of my errands, made a return at Toys R Us and went to mall to get Josh’s haircut.   I found the pants I wear for work on sale and a new pair of black work shoes.  Good deal!

We pretty much hung around home on Saturday the rest of the time.  For Supper I tried a new recipe,  Roast in foil.  I will share the recipe later.  I also made Apple Crisp.  Both turned out very good.  After Tommy went to bed for the evening we played a game of Trivial Pursuit the 20th Anniversary Edition.  That was fun!  

SUNDAY – The boys and I went to church.  Hubby had a bad tummy and stayed home.  Tommy cried in nursery for some reason, don’t think he is feeling too well yet.  After we had some lunch and then since we weren’t going anywhere I decided to make Egg Rolls, so we headed down to the Asian Market to get the needed items.  My brother had never been to an Asian market.  I made some EggRolls, (have great recipe will share!).  YUMMY!!!!!!   The rest of the afternoon was just spent relaxing.  IN the evening we went over to my SIL’s for her two daughter’s birthday parties.  We stayed there until 9:00 and then came home watch law and Order and called it a night.

MONDAY – My brother head back home in the morning.  I went off to work, hubby to search for a job and Tommy to daycare.  My auctions on E-bay ended and three people have paid for their items so I am mailing those off today.   I made an extra 75.00, that is always nice.  I will ship the rest when I get payment.  I bought the book Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babitt for my book group.  I started it last night and am actually really enjoying it.  It is a very easy read since it is a juvenile book.   I also finished listening to my book on tape, The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.  This was a very good book!  

So now your all updated on the happenings.  Nothing too exciting.  Tommy is now feeling a bit better, which is great.  He was very crabby last night and I couldn’t do any of my cleaning until he was in bed.  He wanted me to sit and play in the living room.  I did too, he is only a baby once, I better enjoy it!

I hope everyone is well and have a great week! 

0 thoughts on “

  1. So much to comment on…first, sorry about Tommy’s ear infection  I think EJ has another one, too, does Misery love Company?  Secondly, YUM, eggrolls, can’t wait to see that recipe, hope it’s not too hard.  Thirdly, about Tommy crying in the nursery @ church, maybe he still wasn’t feeling up to par, but I have to say that EJ also started crying in nursery @ church (not @ daycare, though, just church).  Could it be that separation anxiety I heard so much about finally kicking in?  Fourthly, glad Tuck Everlasting is good. I have to hop to that reading! 

    Finally, thanks for your nice comment

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