WOW! I am awake, showered, dressed and have my shoes on! AMAZING! I think I have been getting enough sleep lately that I woke early this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. That isn’t so great on a Saturday. Oh well, everyone else is still sleeping so I can maybe get a couple of things done around here. Here is my ambitious little list for the weekend.
Pay Bills
- Straighten Computer Desk
- Post E-Bay Auctions
Clean shower stall
Wash dishes
- Pick up Toys in Living Room
- Laundry, Laundry, Laundry
- Make Applesauce
Figure out supper– Chicken and Rice Soup
- Clean off Dining Room Table
- Make Macaroni and Cheese for Lunches
Sam’s Club – Toilet paper, Tooth Paste, Baby Wash
- Grocery Store – (make list yet)
- Bread Thrift Store – Puff Corn, Bagels, Bread
- Grocery Store – (make list yet)
Wash Knickknacks and Pics
- Wash inside windows
- Wash off Walls
- Clean stove
- Fan and Vent Hood
- Straighten under sink
- Straighten bookcase
- Wash inside windows
- Straighten plastics cupboards
Straighten top of fridge
November 9– Independence Day – Cambodia
This day observes Cambodia’s independence from French rule in 1953.
We are all pilgrims on the same journey – but some pilgrims have better road maps. – Nelson DeMille
Glad you’re feeling better. You’re going to NEED to feel better with a To Do list like that!!!
How’s Tommy doing??
I like the pilgrim quote. True. have a good weekend.