Morning….the election results are finally in this morning for the senate and governor race here in MN.  The race for the senate seat was very close and had to be hand counted.  But I am glad we won’t be seeing any more ads until the next election.

I have my entryway all done.  I will have to try and take a picutre of it with the video camera to show you.  Here is the entryway before…..

You can’t see it very well on this picture, but around the steps the paneling was damaged by water, etc and was discolored.  I am all done painting, did two coats last night.  I will remove the tape today and hopefully that a picture. 

And as long as I am sharing pictures, I might as well share two from Tommy’s 1st Birthday. 

Well, I am off to work after I package my bought that I sold.  It is a late night at work for me tonight. I will have to show up at church late and meet hubby and Tommy there. 


Ramadan – Islamic

This is the ninth and holiest month of the Islamic year, traditionally begins with the sighting of the new moon. This time of spiritual and physical purification commemorates the revelation of the Quran to Muhammad on Lailat Ul-Qadr. Fasting during this month is one of the five fundamental religious duties of Islam. The fast ends when the new moon is again sighted.  

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