Morning.  Hard to beleive i am actually awake already this morning.  I was up pretty late last night.  We got home for the B-day party around midnight, then we stayed up a few hours later.  I had helped my neighbor drink her bottle of Cuervo.  ARGH!!!  And had a couple of Barcardi Silvers.  But I woke up feeling pretty good at 8:00 this morning.  SO I think I will shower and get ready to run my errands. 

It was really nice to get out last night.  It has been a while since we have gone anywhere.  Josh watched Tommy until 9:30 and went to the overnighter at church.  He now is totally sleeping on the couch.  My ex is coming to pick him up at !2:30, so I will have to wake him then.  LOL!!!  He didn’t sleep at all last night!!  What is up with that!

Anne from down the street and her cousin watched Tommy.  I put him to bed and we check back here frequently.   Paul said the girls heard Tommy just whine a bit and had gone into his room so then he really got mad!   Paul rocked him again and laid him down.  He told the girls if he makes a little noise it is ok, don’t go in his room.   He talks to himself to go to sleep. 

Paul walked the girls home at midnight.  They did a fine job so I will probably have them watch him again sometime.   But of course most of the time I only have Josh watch him. 

Well I am off to shower and get Tommy up for the day!!! 


Vacuum under furniture in living room
Wipe down entry way to paint!
Pick book up at 1/2 price books for Josh
BUy new black shoes
Buy tape from Menards for painting.
Make Applesauce & Avocadoes
Toys R Us
Make Bean and Ham Soup to Freeze

0 thoughts on “

  1. Isn’t it great when you get a chance to go out and enjoy yourself, knowing that someone else is looking after precious offspring? Glad you enjoyed your evening

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