Tommy did well at his Dr Appointment this morning. I am back at work again so I don’t have his stats with me. I know he is in the 50-75% for weight and 90-97% for height. He will be tall and lanky like his daddy. I am able to switch him to Whole Milk now. The Dr said to discourage him from W sitting since his one leg turns in more than the other. It doesn’t seem to show up too much when he walks, but will be watched. His soft spot on his head is almost closed, only a fingertip left. He is doing well otherwise. He had four shots and wasn’t so thrilled about that.
I put him down for a nap, then headed to work. I plan on making some soup this week to freeze. My freezer is low on prepared meals for those nights I need something quick! I will have to make a grocery store stop on the way home as well.
Make grocery list – split pea soup.
- Clean off Dinning Room Table
- Cut Up Ham – (Partially Done)
Package Hamburger
- make babyfood – Avacadoes and raisin/apple mix
Tommy to Dr
- CUB FOODS – Turkey, Sugar, Potatoes and Flour (SALE)
- Library – pick up Books
Bank – Cash Check
- Post Office – Mail Bills
- Clean under Cushions
- Move Furniture and Vacuum
Your organizational skills are inspiring!
Sounds like Tommy’s doing well! What kind of soup do you make? Care to share the recipe?
I’m glad that Tommy’s appointment went well. Good luck finishing your list. I hope that you are more motivated than I am!