Weirdness…..hubby was just outside and two guys were beating a mailbox down the street.  He yelled at them and they sped off!!  Would I do that??  No…I would be afraid they had a gun.  Hmm….as we are getting ready to go to bed I wonder if our mailbox will be standing in the morning.   Hubby didn’t get a license plate, so we probably won’t be calling the police.  ARGH!!  Vandals…I am sure just some kids, but still!

UPDATE:  Hubby did call the police so they could do an extra drive through the neighborhood.  Police just stopped by and said they have had another call about mailboxes, so it must be some kids just out joy riding. 

0 thoughts on “

  1. that makes me ao angry! when I was a kid we had a PObox b/c we were tired of havng our mailbox smashed!

    what a senseless act of vanadlism.

    I’ve yet to figure out how that makes someone happy…

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