Just popping in before heading to bed. I have been trying to spend a little time before bed just reading or cross stitching. I am finding I feel better if I jsut have that bit of me time before bed, vs going to bed later and just collapsing. I am making a point of finding time in each day to do something that brings *me joy. It can be so many things, always after I get Tommy to bed. I am trying to get him in bed a bit earlier now for that reason. I have been taking bubble baths, reading, scrapbooking and cross stitching. It has helped with my stess level for some reason.
Today was a easy day for work. I attended a conference in downtown Minneapolis. It was actually a pretty good conference. It was called Transforming the Difficult Child. The session was for teachers and therapists/social workers. I really hope some teachers embrace this Nutured Heart Approach. I can see how it can really work. I plan on picking up the book and maybe this approach would assist Erik. He needs success, and he has none! His self-esteem is very low and I can see how with this approach we can help raise it and hopefully decrease behaviors. If we see results and depending on the testing we are having done on Erik this might be something I approach the school about as well.
I do hate going to training in downtown. It took me almost 30 minutes to find a parking ramp that wasn’t full. Then I had to find my way through the skyways to the right hotel, which was actually not too bad. I do like the skyways, since it is getting chillier here in MN!
I am taking tomorrow off from work!! YEAH!! I am actually pretty caught up on my work and want to spend the day with Tommy and getting ready for his birthday party. Tomorrow I will go in the morning with Tommy to his ECFE class, come home put him down for a nap, then take him to have his 1 year old picture taken at 2:15. I am having one taken with a big #1 and one in his Halloween Costume too! I hope he does ok! I also need to tidy up a little bit around here, not much only need to put laundry away on the dining room table.
My family is coming for Tommy’s Birthday from SD. I look forward to seeing them. They will get here on Saturday afternoon. I sure hope my SIL and Brother will be able to come as well.
Let’s see what else went of today…hmmm……we babysat my neice Kristen for most of the evening. Oh, Josh got his school pictures back today, but he doesn’t like them. He has some acne and it is bothering him I think. It really isn’t terrible, just normal for his age I think.
Well I guess that is all that is new……..as for everyones questions about releasing a book. There is a website called bookcrossings.com. It is sort of hard to explain. Here is how they describe it!
The “3 Rs” of BookCrossing…
- Read a good book (you already know how to do that)
- Register it here (along with your journal comments), get a unique BCID (BookCrossing ID number), and label the book
- Release it for someone else to read (give it to a friend, leave it on a park bench, donate it to charity, “forget” it in a coffee shop, etc.), and get notified by email each time someone comes here and records journal entries for that book. And if you make Release Notes on the book, others can Go Hunting for it and try to find it!
Sounds easy, right? Well it is. It’s also a fascinating exercise in fate, karma, or whatever you want to call the chain of events that can occur between two or more lives and one piece of literature. Oh, and we should mention, it’s absolutely free and absolutely private, too.
So that is what I did…I tooka book that I read. I left it in the mailroom at my work. (released it!) Someone picked it, up but they haven’t left a journal entry on the website so I have no idea if they understood the concept or not. I will probably release a few more in the near furture.
Ok….I went overboard expalinging that!!!!!!! LOL!! Well you asked!!!
night everyone, Chat at ya in the morning!
I love to cross stitch. Now if only I could figure out how to make the back look as nice as the front like so many cross-stitchers do. You could explain it to me as I’ve had done before, and I just don’t get it. I need to see it implemented, I suppose. Til then I won’t show the back off to anyone! The front looks nice at any rate!
The book release idea looks really neat! I think I would like to do that- now I just have to read a book I don’t want to keep 🙂
All the way downtown? I dislike that as well… I don’t know my way around very well- You know, when you see that lady trying to turn the wrong way onto a one-way street- might as well wave to her cause it’s probably me!
I really need to do the same thing with bedtime for myself… it seems by the time I finally get the girls to bed I am sleepwalking! I am reading (trying) a nice historical fiction book (part 3 of the series) but I am so tired I get through a page or two and I am sleeping… gotta start on the girls earlier!