I only have a few things left on my list for tomorrow.  This evening we watched a movie “Insomnia” with Robin Williams and I wrapped a few B-day and Christmas gifts.   I realize I had bought one thing for the boys that I already bought them last year.  No wonder I thought they would like it.  OOPS….I guess I will sell that on Ebay.

I am getting anxious for Tommy’s birthday!  We ordered a Winnie the Pooh cake and bought some decorations.  I wrapped his B-day present tonight as well.  He is walking everywhere.  He never crawls.  he still takes a few spills.  He has a little goose egg by his eye right now.  He took a spill tonight walking and hit his head on the wall.  ARGH!!!  Poor little man.

Tomorrow is Church, I am not sure if I will keep Tommy in the sanctuary with us or if I should just put him in the nursery to begin with??  Hmmm…I guess we will see how he is in the morning. 

Hubby and I agreed on a paint color of the entry way.  I am excited to start painting!  I might try and do it this week yet…we will see.

Well I am off to bed to watch Saturday Night Live and cross stitch a bit. 

  • Clean my bedroom – 1/2 DONE
  • Get Erik’s Winter Clothes out
  • Clean off Dinning Room Table – 1/2 DONE
  • Make something with the Pumpkin
  • Wash Dishes
  • Get Halloween Stuff out
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