I’m Back!!!!!!!!   Whew, this month is so hectic for us.  We have been out of town the last two weekends.  I need to find sometime to get things caught up around home now.  I also would like to work less late evening this week.  So far my week is looking pretty good. 

Monday – Erik’s School Conference at 5:00pm
Tuesday  – in Red wing for Work and Josh conferences in evening
Otherwise the rest of the week I plan in being home at a decent hour.  YEAH!!!  

Maybe I will even be able to make a menu this week and cook.  I haven’t been sharing recipes lately since we are never home or really on the run.  So we have been having fast meals either from the freezer or a box.  ARGH!!!

This weekend we went to my hometown in South Dakota.  I was able to spend some time with my best friend and her little ones.  On Saturday my niece got married, so that was a very enjoyable time.  I was able to spend time with two of my four siblings and my parents.  I saw extended family, who I hardly ever see anymore.  The boys were in charge of the gift table and I don’t think they broke anything…LOL!!   Paul and I were the host and hostess of the reception, which was fun.  It all seemed to go very smoothly and was a lovely fall wedding.   My niece decorated so nicely with fall leaves and items.  It was very nice!

We stayed in the hotel and Tommy slept pretty good.  He slept from 11:00 till 7:30, which was ok with us.   He even did alright on the ride home, the entire 6 hour drive!  He didn’t even need to get out of his seat.  On the way there he had to get out 3 times on the drive as he got very cranky.

I hope this week goes well and is relaxing, I am just exhausted!    Well I better go plan my week and make my menu, to do list and junk.

In life the worse thing that can happen isn’t failing.  It’s never having tried. – Sarah Ban Breathnach

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