Tommy took a 3 hour nap this afternoon, but woke up very clingy and crying. He just didn’t seem right so we took him to Urgent Care. He wasn’t running a fever and would smile off and on, so I wasn’t sure he was even sick or not. We finally saw the Dr and Tommy has a double ear infection, pussy fluid behind each drum and they were buldging, whatever that means. So he is on anyibiotics and hopefully he will sleep fine tonight. I wish I could tell when this kid is sick. It is so hard and sometimes I take him in and they go, it is just teething…DUH!!!
SO hopefully he will do better next weekend when we have to stay in a hotel in Aberdeen, SD!
Poor Baby! No wonder he didn’t want to sleep! Ear Aches hurt worse than anything in the world. Even childbirth.
Glad you went with your mommy instinct! Hope he’s feeling better soon!
whenever i thoguht ELi had an infection I was wrong… when I swore it was teething it was an ear infection.
the first year and a hlaf are so hard in the respect
Just think of the good things =)
I am just catching up on reading your site and I CAN’T BELIEVE that poor Tommy is so sick
Sending “get well” vibes his (and your!) way!
And sleeping in a hotel room with the baby…oh, man, that’s tough! Just went through that in California for a WEEK. Lost a lot of sleep on that one (sleeping in a strange place, mixed in with a little teething because we weren’t sleep-deprived & jetlagged enough
), so I wish you better luck than we had!!! Get well, Tommy and Ostara!