Sorry I haven’t blogged much lately, kind of been in a funk. The weather here is ishy, it rains all the time. Soon that rain will turn to snow. I hate that.
Not much going on these days. Work is busy, busy, busy. We are needing to write new budgets for next years services. I wrote 9 plans in September and have 9 more to write in October and 9 in November. I also am trying to get in a number of school visits before the holiday season and see how the children are doing in their school programs. So needless to say I am busy and not in the office much. But I am feeling good about it, since I am really organized right now and seem to be staying on top of my deadlines. But still working some late nights. Tonight I got home around 7:30 and next Tuesday I have a 9:00am meeting and a 7:00pm meeting. That will be a long night. ARGH!!! Oh well………..
Let’s see what else…..Josh is doing well in communications class, which I am happy about. He hasn’t had much homework so that is starting to concern me, but he gets upset if I question him. I guess I will just wait and see what the grades look like.
I just finished listening on tape to A Year By the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman. The first book I have completed in ages. I enjoyed it, but I really wanted more from it. It did make me think about life, etc.
Thursday is my night I actually watch TV. YEAH!! Hubby taped Friends for me. LOL!! It was so great! Loved it! I also watch ER, which left enough time to squeeze a bath and supper in for Tommy in between shows. So needless to say I didn’t accomplish much else. OH well……..tomorrow is another day.
Tomorrow is our ECFE class. Tommy loves school. After that I am heading to work. I am touring a two homes developed by a company I am looking at having start a new home. They have one home that has a wonderful sensory integration room. SO I will have my client try out some of the equipment to see if we should purchase it for his home. The other home is a secure house with an unusual fence and alarm system I want to look into.
I hope to get home from work at a decent hour so I can pack. We are leaving on Saturday early afternoon to go to my sister’s house. My niece is pregnant and I am taking over some of Tommy’s baby equipment and clothes for her. She is a waitress and could use the items. I think she is pretty excited about receiving them. DRATS!!! I still need to get a motel room for Saturday night in Fargo, ND. It will be just Paul, Tommy and I going to Fargo. Josh will be with my ex-hubby for the weekend.
Well I think that catches ya up on our exciting life! October is so busy for us. We have an out of state wedding one weekend and Tommy’s 1st Birthday!!!! And you know that will be an event for pictures!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe my baby is going to be 1. It is going so fast
Later have a great Friday/Weekend in case I don’t make it back to blog before we head to Fargo!
Pack to go to Sis’s
Wrap Sis’s B-day Gift
Clear off Dining Room Table
We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. – T.S. Eliot
and I got in @9:30 pm as I went to that big family meeting….and then chatted with 3 parents on this and that…..and boom…….the evening GONE!!!! *sighs*…..
glad yr gettin a little trip in…..autumn leaves should be nice further north……:)
BABY IS ONE!!!!!???????? YOWWWWWWW!!!
*leaves hug to help with gray skies and rain*
I laughed a lot during Friends. Some of it was because of how Dare reacted to the baby crying though. He was so freaked out. Poor guy. I can’t help, but wonder what he’s going to think of his real baby when we bring it home.
I hope that you have a relaxing weekend. Your upcoming Tuesday does sound like a really long day. Whew.
I have a question about the book that you just finished … Did you feel like the book was lacking something for you, or was it so good that you wanted it to last longer?
It’s so nice of you to take the baby stuff all the way to Fargo. I hope that you enjoy visiting and have a safe trip!
Woza you have been and are so busy! hope your enjoying your weekend!