I slept better last night.  Had a long discussion with hubby before bed and feel a bit better about his plans for employment, etc.  I am a huge planner, list makers and I have a hard time dealing with the unknown.  I need details and timelines.   My hubby is very laid back so those parts of our personalities don’t mess too well. 

Tonight I will be babysitting my niece and nephew, Nick and Kristen.  I will need to come up with something for Nick to do or he just wanders and talks to himself.  It was interesting at the bonfire, he was in one of his elaborate make believe scenarios and making the adults participate.  I think it is nice for my SIL when he can do that with others since his constant talking and requests I think are draining on her.   I try to assist by taking him once a week or so for respite.  Some days that is difficult for me though, I assist families with children with autism all day, I don’t always want to have Nick too.  But usually he do just fine!   I find you just need to get him into an activity.  Since Nick doesn’t do any rocking or other rhythmic things, I think think he stims from verbal output.  SO he talks and talks…sometimes repeating the same thing, bit not often. 

I think tonight Nick and I will make cookies and wrap a gift.   Also I bet is about time for a haircut.  that is my official job, royal haircutter to Nicholas.       

  • Exercise
  • Clean off Dining Room table
  • Menus
  • Wrap Wedding Gifts
  • 0 thoughts on “

    1. What a great SIL you are for doing that for them!  I have three kiddo’s that will talk my ears off all day and I sure am glad when they drop for a nap, because I don’t have anyone that can watch them for me like that.  I just have to keep in mind the old saying that ya get what ya wish for.  And I think I’d rather have them chatting all the time then have them not talk at all.  But a rest is always welcome. 

      Cookies sounds like a great idea!  I think I’m gonna go dig some dough out of the freezer. 

    2. Royal haircutter!  That’s a real gift.  I can’t even cut my own bangs, and I have a son who is deathly afraid of haircuts.  So poor dad has to do it.    Thanks for the sub!

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