Lot of people have mentioned that myabe exercising before bed isn’t a great idea.  But it is the only time in the day that is mine.  Every other minute it either work or taking care of my family.  I am having one of those days when I am feeling very unappreciated.  It isn’t that I do it for appreication, but man, sometimes some people are jsut takers everyday and don’t give much!

I rented a DVD last wekeend and get to have it for a week, do you think I have been able to watch any of it.  NO, it isn’t seen as important because it is something I want to do.   So instead my hubby is watching a movie he has seen before and I will end up returning my DVD unwatched.  I swear I am going to jsut stop trying to do anything for myself, never happens.   This is not the first DVD I had to return unwatched.   But if it is something hubby wants to watch, it gets watched.  Funny how that happens. 

Ok..that is my monthly hubby complaint.  I better stop before I really start…LOL!!

Tooday was busy at work, I got a lot accomplished and only worked 8 hours.  I was home by 5:00 had supper and took a little nap from 5:30 to 5:55 and then we were to church by 6:00.  Church was ok, Tommy was good. 

We did an activity where you had to describe your child if they were a toy, animal and food.  So that was sort of funny.  I haven’t mentioned, but our pastor at our church is leaving.  It is very sad for me.  He married us, and baptized Tommy.  I really like him a lot.  He, his wife and daughters have been in our Families First class with us.   So we have gotten to know them better through there.  He is actually changing careers and I really do understand and I do think it will be good for his family, but they will be deeply missed.   

Well since I won’t be watching any TV tonight, I think I will exercise a bit early and jsut call is a night.  Hope everyones week is going well.  It is 1/2 way to the weekend!!  YEAH!!!!   

0 thoughts on “

  1. I totally understand. I always feel guilty if i ever want to do something for myself. I still do it something, but I end feling i have to fully explain to everyone why I deserve to ___ for myself and why it’s ok.

    And thank you’s? those are far and few between! ha! but you know, how much do we thank our husbands in a way that they like to hear? most likely it’s not as much as we think. (some one mentioned that to me the other day adn I was like hmmm good point) even though obviously most women do more.

    second thought… have you thought about working from home? or trying to stay at home and be a fulltime mom? That might make you less stressed since it seems thats what woman have always done and are damn good at =) just a thought.

    go do something good for yourelf. and explain to hubby and children how important it is to you (but dont expect them to actually understand!! haha)

    you need a little alone time it seems. some time doing nothing. a little bit of that can make the rest of your life SO much easier!

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