Morning….Tuesday are better than Mondays!   LOL!!  I am up and about and willing to say hey to you all.  Life is certainly a bit boring lately.  I am very busy at work writing budgets.  I still have a number to get done this month, so it is early to work each morning.  YUCK!!

Exclamation – great to see ya around again.  I never knew you were a music teacher, you learn something new everyday!   And Yes, now you know my dirty little secret I am a compulsive list maker.  When stressed I will even make lists in my sleep.   I have to put everything on a list or I plain forget to do it!  I have to keep a running list at work as well.   Now if I would just remember to look at that one.  I am so easily sidetracked there and everywhere I guess.  Speaking of work, I suppose I should get there!

My Plans for today???  Hmm…work, work, work……….and tonight I might work on Tommy’s scrapbook while watching TV.  If I ever get the dining room table cleaned off.  That is a never ending battle for me.   Hubby does laundry ever day and piles it on there as with anything else he doesn’t know where it goes.  ARGH!!  Drives me nuts.  It is always on my list….clean off dining room talbe.

  • Clean off Dining Room table
  • Tommy’s winter clothes into dresser
  • Menus 
  • Sweep My Bedroom

  • Well I am off to work….hope everyone has a great Tuesday, which is close to Wednesday which is 1/2 way through this dumb week!  LOL!!   

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    1. My problem is I always forget where I put my list!!  It’s probably under the mountain of stuff on my breakfast bar in the kitchen.  That is where everyone puts everything in this family.  Kind of like your table!!  Have a great week!!!!!

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