ALmost 1/2 way through this week.  Wednesdays are always nice since I know I won’t be working late as we have Families First at church.  I hope we have more people that attend this Wednesday. 

Tomorrow I am hoping to get a lot of paperwork done at work.  Most people will be gone to a funeral, but I am the on-call social worker so I will be at the office.  I have to clean up my cube a bit as this weekend is the public tour of our building so the taxpayers and view the building.  So I have to remove some junk from my desk etc….

Well I did manage to get all the babyfood made tonight.  I doubt I will have to make any food again as we have plenty and he is starting to eat more chunky food.   I do have the avacadoes left to do though I guess.  They were ripe enough tonight.  Tommy is in bed so I guess it is time for me to head there too.  I hope he doesn’t want snuggle time in the middle of the night again. 

  • Make Babyfood – plums, Beets, parsnips, eggplant
  • Clean out Fridge
  • Exercise
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