Lunch Time… Lunch today consists of Budget Gourmet Oriental Beef ….gotta love those sales at Cub Foods with frozen meals for 5 for 5.99. Lunch for a week for under 10.00. And they don’t even taste half bad.
Mid-Day check in……They did something with our office over the weekend and the heating system, well it is really hot in here today and only getting hotter. I don’t think I will be returning to the office after my meeting at 2:30. I will take some work home with me.

My Allergies are acting up, so I am constantly blowing my nose and I am sweating…what a great combination. Ok….turn on the air conditioning already!!!! I hate being hot….and I am getting crabby about it.
Hey…maybe sweating isn’t such a bad thing. I might lose a pound or two…..yeah right!! I am gonna finish my lunch…..Later.
You are wonder woman. And so organized. Hope your allergies calm down!
Hope that get that heater fixed soon!