Hello Xangaland…..I should be tired, but I am not. ARGH!! Today was a good day for me at work. I got three reports I had been dragging my feet on done. One I just finished a couple of minutes ago, so I will have to fax it when I get to the office in the morning.
I sure hope I am able to sleep tonight. I have been busy all evening. I got home from work around 5:15 and we were suppose to be church by 5:30 for confirmation registration. Josh is in his final year of confirmation. So I didn’t eat much of a supper, just a bite and run. Tonight was the first night of Families First for Tommy and us. There were a small number of kids so far, but a nice group of parents. I think I will be ok with Families First this year. Initially they said that the children under 1 would be in a separate room than the over 1 children. Well Tommy is the only one under 1. I didn’t want him in a room by himself with a teacher. So tonight they had him in a different room playing with another little girl and he just crawled to the other room because he wanted to watch the bigger kids. So they decided to let him be with the other kids. He loves watching them and that interaction with the other children is why I have him in the program.
He did fine with separation time, which I was worried about since it is a different teacher. During parent time we discussed our joys and struggles with parenting. We also started discussing balance in our lives and our life mission statement. Hmmm….not sure what my life mission statement is yet. Our parent educator is very funny and keeps it very light. She makes the class a lot of fun.
I think I will go into work an hour late tomorrow since I worked at home this evening AGAIN. That way I can make it to the bank and post office in the morning.
I have not completed a single additional thing on my home to do list, but my work one has a few items crossed off. YEAH!!
Tomorrow our evening is filled with the grand opening of the new playground at Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) and meet the teacher night at ECFE. I have made arrangements with my work to be off on Friday mornings so I can take Tommy to ECFE class from 9:00 to 10:30. Of course this may mean doing some hours at home, but it is worth it. I am truly blessed to have an understanding and flexible employer.
Oh Yeah…before I forget, I think it was Julietxpunk that asked the age range of my children. The oldest, Josh is 14. The middle, Erik is almost 10; and Tommy our baby is 10 months.
Night everyone. I hope everyone has a great nights sleep, including me!