Another long day at work.  Emotionaly it was a draining day to some extent I did homevisit with some families in crisis.   I got home tonight at about 8:00.  I get home to Tommy waking up from a nap and blowing out his diaper all over the crib.  ARGH!!  Hubby was VERY happy I came home when I did.  I got Tommy cleaned up and bathed.  Hubby stripped the bed and stuff.  

When I got home our neighbor and her friend came over.  My SIL and BIL came to pick up their youngest that hubby was babysitting.   So it was a houseful, but it was nice.   The kids played for a bit.  Then I looked at my nephews hair and realized I really need to cut is hair before school starts.   My nephew Nick is autistic, like many of the kids I work with.  I have been cutting his hair since his first haircut and he will let no one else cut it.   He is now able to tolerate the new clippers I have so I can cut his hair much faster.  It is still hard for him though.  We play a game called “Super Still Boy” and he always gets a top secret treat after his haircut.   The ones I hide under my bed in my room.  And he thinks he is the only one in the world that knows about them.  I have a feeling I will be cutting Nick’s hair until he is 30, but what can you do.  He doesn’t like change much     Actually tonight Nick was fairly calm, my little neice Kristen was more wild then he.  Tomorrow night my SIL, BIL and kids are coming over to have supper with us and play the game Cranium.   I hope Nick will be calm tomorrow night and let us play a game.  You never quite know how he will be. 

Well I am off to bed.   I need to get to work early and do some paperwork and then I am meeting a new child that has been assigned to my caseload. 

I suppose I should figure out what I am making for supper tomorrow night. hmmmmmmmmmm………  

One thought on “

  1. Oh, I haven’t forgotten about blow-outs, even though Paige is ten now.  Your nephew sounds like a really special boy.  It’s nice that you two have such a good relationship, and that he trusts you so much.

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