It’s Friday, It’s Friday, It’s Friday, …YEAH YEAH YEAH…..I am so glad for this week to end.  I am hoping to get off work early today I have a 1:00 appointment with a new child and then I hope tp come home.  So I should be home by 4:00 hopefully. 

Tonight we are having SIL and BIL over for supper.  So I need to figureout what I will be making with chicken for supper tonight.  Hmmmmmm…..

Saturday is the beginning of our SURPRISE WEEKEND!  We should be heading out around 3:00. I sure hope the boys are good.   Luckily we won’t be too far from home. 

Well I am off to look up a couple of recipes and head to work.  LATER! 

0 thoughts on “

  1. It sounds like the beginning of a great weekend for you.  Getting off week early, an evening with family & games, surprise weekend … Wow!  I hope that you and your family have a really good time.

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