How did I do on my list………so-so…..I decided I had to defrost my huge freezer downstairs since the kids had left it open a number of times and it was thick with ice.  Some food you couldn’t even get out!   That took a huge part of the night.  But I did get a few things done!   

  • Dishes

  • Laundry – couple of loads at least
  • Unpack the remaining vacation bags
  • Vacuum living room floor
  • Sweep Kitchen
  • Cut up the 20 pounds of Ham
  • Find recipes to make ham stuff
  • Plan cooking Session
  • Prepare package to mail to Dawn!

So I guess I have a few things to complete yet tomorrow…  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  I have a very nice relaxing one…Paul and I finally had some time to jsut sit and chat, watch movies and play cribbage.  I like low kid weekends…………

I need to scoot and get my stuff ready for tomorrow and go to bed.  NIGHT!!

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