CrazyMomma you make a very good point.   I had not thought of it, but you are right some people might like their life harried.  It just seems so hard for me to understand.  But I am definitely not a fly by the seat of your pants person. I am a diligent list maker and planner.  LOL!!  To each their own, right???   Almost like a clash of cultures…..Speaking of lists………

  • Buy Stamps
  • Mail bills
  • Turn in Tommy’s Families First registration
  • Fax medical reimbursement stuff
  • Make copies of reimbursement forms.

I have my errand list for before work all done.  Now as I eat lunch I need to figure out what I need to get done tonight.   Paul is at school all evening as well. 

  • Begin packing – my clothes and Eriks

  • Get Tommy’s items together

  • Move money from saving to checking – I love online banking!

  • Bath Tommy….

  • Wash more laundry – does it EVER end??

I am pretty much done with lunch, so I better get back to work.  I took a short lunch since I need to be home early tonight so Paul can go to school.  Have a great rest of your day!

0 thoughts on “

  1. I have decided you are my organizational idol.  I mean it!!  We’re going away this weekend, too, driving seven hours from NJ to Pittsburgh, heaven help us.  I have the Flylady lists, though, that’s a good start!  Good luck getting everything together!

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