I tried to accomplish a few things today.  I am trying to get stuff ready since we are going on vacation on Friday and will be gone for about 10 days.  


  • Scrubbed floors. 
  • Wrapped presents to take to South Dakota.
  • Ran errands 
  • Worked on laundry, but have a number of loads left to do. 
  • Made the last of the reservations for hotels on our vacation. 
  • Made two of the weekly developmental activites for Tommy and did them with him.    
  • Made Scalloped Potatoes and Pork Chops for supper.
  • Packed most of Tommy’s clothes for vacation
  • Made a packing list
  • Washed dishes a couple of times

I finally made ground meat for Tommy in a consistency he actually likes.   I have a baby food mill that I have never used, but got it out as I plan on using it on vacation at restaurants to make Tommy food.   I put some pork chop in it and it came out great.  Tommy ate it all without gagging.  FINALLY!!!  So Tommy had pork chops and peaches for supper tonight.  I also gave him a peeled quarterd grape with snack.  He liked that!!   He really wants what we are eating now, he will try to grab it off your plate if your not careful.

He is continuing to crawl and cruise along the furniture.  He is able to now to chase the cat a bit.  Molly (cat) sure likes that, NOT!

Well I am off to bed, I have a very busy week and home and work.  Later!  Hope everyont had a great weekend!

3 thoughts on “

  1. Wow you were very busy today! I used to make all my own baby food too, a babyfood mill would have been SO handy! Glad it works for you and Tommy.

    Great photo of your handsome guy!

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