First day at the new office…………..not too bad. I have a lot more desk surface in my new cube. I got all my files unpacked and even filed a few piles of resources I had. I even decluttered a bit more. I think I will need to have a regular time that I declutter areas of my desk. I just get so much mail each day, if I don’t keep up with it, I have a huge pile.
I stopped at Pier One after work and bought a wicker organizer thing for my desk. I love pier one! It wasn’t really like what i was looking for, but it is growing on me. I need to pick up some kind of artifical flower/plant. otherwise my cube is getting pretty homey.
We got a memo about the mice in the building. The exterminator has laid some traps, etc. I hope I don’t see a mouse. The workmen are still working on our floor and only 1/2 of the cubes are up. So it is certainly a bustle of activity.
I need to scoot and shower. Tommy has a Dr appointment his morning. His 9 months appointment. He only had to get one shot. WOO HOO!! I will let you know how he did later.
Hey there.. have a good day in your new office!
I hope you don’t see any mice!!!!
Glad your new office is workable
And GOOD LUCK, TOMMY @ the doctor. Our 9 month appt is Friday
Glad it went well
sounds like me haha b/c my first priority whenevr i get a new thing like a new office space or whatever is to make it “homey” and my own. who can work in a cold dull area?