Argh……..I lost my last post, so this is the abridge version.  I am TIRED!  


Office:  Everything is getting put away and organized.  Still can’t find items outside of my cube I need.  Forms, etc.  But clerical is working on unpacking that stuff as well.   I have not seen any mice.   It is freezing in the building!!!  But it is a very nice building.    My area is unpacked and Flylady would be pleased I have found a place for everything and decluttered and took care of hotspots as I can.   Some people I swear just moved their piles from the other building to the new one. 


TOMMY’S Dr Appointment

Height:  29”

Weight:  21# 13 oz.

Head Cir: 18”


He did well at the appointment.  He is meeting all his developmental milestones, which we are pleased about.  He is pulling up to the coffee table and couch.  He will try to walk between the two of them, but it is more like he dives from one to the other and often falls. 


Dr talked about switching to whole milk, but we are going to wait until he is 12 months.   Dr. wants him eating three meals a day instead of two and snack.   Paul never feeds the baby food for lunch only bottle.  I feed him breakfast and supper before and after work.  That won’t be an issue once he is in daycare.  Dr said don’t worry about Tommy not crawling, he is going to be a walker.  Tommy had a little rash which I thought was a diaper rash, but Dr said it was a little bit of a yeast infection so we are treating that.   Constipation still a problem.  Dr said MORE juice.  I don’t give him juice regularly.


Tommy did ok for his pneumococcal vaccine.  He settled down pretty fast after wards.  Then we had to have his blood draw to have his iron level checked.  That was an experience; I would think they would come up with a better way to get a baby’s blood.   They pricked Tommy’s finger and they squeezed his finger to get the blood out, drop by drop to fill the vial.  ARGH!!  He didn’t like that and it was hard to hold him still as it took a while.


Well that is it for now.  I have to get up early to get Tommy ready to go to Bonnie’s in the morning.  Paul has a project to work on at school. 


BTW – I finished listening to the book “Good In Bed” for my book group.  I really enjoyed it!   A good read.   I always want a bit more for the endings……..but I hate books to end that I am enjoying anyways.  



4 thoughts on “

  1. Sounds like Tommy’s doing great!  Don’t you hate it when they have to draw blood? Logan’s getting his six-month check-up next week–more shots coming.

  2. Its so much easier and faster when they just use a baby needle… zip zip and its done. Vial full! I hate when they try to drip them to death. ugh!

    Sounds like you had a pretty good day! Lets hope tomorrow is good too!

  3. Glad Tommy’s doing so well  I agree wholeheartedly about drawing blood from babies–we can put a man on the moon, transplant hearts, but we still have to squeeze every last drop of blood from these poor, crying little ones to fill a vial? 

    As for Tommy’s feeding schedule, we also only give EJ two meals a day, he seems satisfied.  We’ll see what the doc says tomorrow.  He was VERY light at his six month visit (10th %ile), but he seems very happy and healthy, so I won’t let the doc rattle me this time!


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