I finally took my car in to be looked at today.  I knew a few of my belts were very worn, so I had those changed.  The heat sheild was lose and rattling too.  I again had them look into the issue of my car always over heating when I put the AC on.   Well this time they actually found the cause, The head gasket is leaking exhaust into the cooling system.  The head gasket will need to be replaced to stop this.  Well that is not in our budget right now.  ARGH….a new head gasket is over 1,000.00.  Gee, I don’t think the car is even worth that anymore.   I am going to hold off on the head gasket for a while and keep my fingers crossed.  

I plan on buying a new vehicle next year sometime, hopefully before summer.   I can’t decide on the type of vehicle I want yet.  I have been using a cool site to look at what various dealers have available and prices.  I am leaning towards a Toyota, but we will see.  I will also get my current car fixed next year, if it makes it that long.  It will be a vehicle for Joshua to drive.

What an odd place in my life, one child learning to walk and one learning to drive.   LOL!!!

0 thoughts on “

  1. Goin’ to check out that site right now.  I don’t really need a new vehicle but I’m not thrilled with mine.  Hope everything works out w/ ya.  That is quite the spectrum…a teenager driving and a baby walking!

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