ARGH….I have these little bugs in my house.  ARGH!!  I hate living with a swamp in our backyard, we constantly have bugs.  We always have to bug bomb once a year.  I was really hoping to avoid that this year since the baby and all.   I found a bug in Tommy’s snack toast hte other day so now I am bagging everything up I can find that I think these little bugs might like.  We also have earwigs (pincher bugs) in the basement.  ARGH!!   Now to fingure out where we can go while we bug bomb????????  hmmmmmmmmmm…..maybe I can do it when we leave for vacation??  The neighbors could pick up the bombs and put our cats back in the house…….that might be an idea.  We will see!!!!!!!!!  Or we could do it on a big day of errands.????  I think it take like 3 hours…….hmmmmmmmmmm….

One thought on “

  1. I HATE BUGS!  HATE ‘EM!  And they always find me…  This summer with our East Coast draught, bumble bees came INSIDE the basement in search of water.  YUCK!!!  Leaving your house to bug bomb sounds like a complete bummer.  I wish you speedy riddance of your icky squatters!!!

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