Ok…what did I accomplish this weekend. A lot of relaxing!! LOL!! I watched the entire first season of Sex and the City. I am hooked!! I did manage to get the office all straightened up. I even got my hubby to go through the two boxes in here that i had been after him about. He brought them up from downstairs over a month ago and jsut left them in the middle of the room. GRRRRRRRRRR….I told him not to bring them up if he wasn’t going to take care of them. Well it took over a month, but they are taken care of.
Hubby put up a gate on our steps for little Tommy. We live in a split entry home so a gate is a very important safety item for our little one. Oh…and Tommy pulled himself up at the coffee table tonight. My little man is growing and growing…….
I told Joshua, about Grandma M. telling me that his bio father is expecting another child. It is such a hard line to tow……….if I know and I don’t tell him and he finds out, he will be mad. I of course I told him, I try to be honest with him. I have a hard time reading his feelings on the matter. He wasn’t excited, but I am not sure there was any emotion there. He hardly knows his father, but I don’t think he feels abandonded. I am sorry that this is the way it is for him……….but he seems to be ok. I just worry, I love him more than anything, ya know! He is still my baby, even if he is taller than me now. I hope he understands that it isn’t his fault. you just want to protect your children from every single unpleasant thing in the world. I just have to love him with all my heart and hope this all doesn’t matter in the end………and he grows up a wonderfully well adjusted young man. But I worry……………….
Well I am off to bed……………..
Tommy’s growing so FAST! EJ’s not pulling himself up yet–heck, I’m still trying to get over my fear of him choking to give him some Cheerio’s!
Poor Josh, that’s a tough piece of news to handle. You did the right thing by telling him
And hey, where the heck are all the bookmoms??
All we can do is love them all we possibly can, it will be the thing that matters most and everything else will work out in time.