Just a quick note before heading to bed. I was able to vacuum and mop the floors after Tommy went to bed. WHOO HOOO!! My ECFE baby class are coming over tomorrow for a play date. I wonder how many mommies and babies will be stopping by. I have to run out and get some muffins and lemonade or something in the morning.
I am going to drag a few of our toys out to the back yard since i can’t fit all those babies and mommies in our house. I think we will be taking the ball pit out…….should be interesting. So of course I am not going into work tomorrow. I did bring some work home plug away on all weekend during Tommy’s naps etc.
Tomorrow evening I will be having Tommy’s pictures taken at Sears, so I should be scanning the proofs in this weekend. He is changing and growing so. He and I had a nice evening home alone tonight. Joshua went to MarketFest with some friends downtown, Paul had school until 9:30. TOmmy and I played, read books, and went for a stroller ride.
NIght…….Have a great Friday!